Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Echoing the fate of doctors in Pakistan around the world,

http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRU0RhXNAzzL69E3C-qH3j93GF7F4YR34KebpkxloVzF7HU1SSZEchoing the fate of doctors in Pakistan around the world,
We all grew up with the meaning of medicine and science for most of us were encourages to adopt it as a profession. We were told to serve humanity, to save lives and help people in need is a significant part of the developed societies, which is truly noble and happy in his own way. In fact, doctors consider the essence of quality and grace in the Pakistani society, a move that has no parallel in other major and emerging professions.

However, the situation has changed dramatic over time.  one question remains, our "politicians and the enforcement of the law. It is not only the safety of these professionals is at stake in our country, but also the" welfare "and "health" of the nation, which is hampered by not ensure observance of protection and justice.


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